About Us
Hello! We are Curt and Cindy Liljedahl and we love our retirement. As retired public school teachers with a combined total of 60 years in the classroom, we feel blessed to have retired from jobs we loved at the age of 54. Now on to other Adventures!
Join us by subscribing to our podcast, AdventuRetired, where we will talk about our retirement adventures and the retirement adventures of our guests.
Follow us at, AdventuRetired.com, and all other social media.
#AdventuRetired. #GrayandAway #Don'tsittoosoon

Cindy Liljedahl
Hi, I'm Cindy, the senior member of the marriage, therefore the Boss. We hope you learn some things from us and have your own amazing retirement adventures.
Curt Liljedahl
Hi, I'm Curt and I am the youngest one in the marriage (by 3 days). I am so proud to live these retirement adventures with my best friend and wife of 36 years.